Wednesday, September 28, 2011

OOTD: Monochromatic, not quite at its finest

This week is Spirit Week at my school, culminating with the homecoming football game and dance this weekend.  Each day during spirit week is themed; students (and some spirited teachers) dress to fit the theme.  Monday was Color Day, so I took the opportunity to wear my J.Crew Liquid Silk Skirt.

Sweater:  J.Crew Tippi in bright dahlia, size small
Skirt: J.Crew Liquid Silk Skirt in bright dahlia, size 2 (reviewed here)
Shoes:  Cole Haan Nike Air Peep Toe Pumps, size 7.5
-I'm going to try to be better about posting sizes when I post OOTDs.-

This is not one of my prouder outfit moments; I felt very sloppy.  I kept accessories to a minimum, because I didn't want to clutter up the simplicity of the look, but I still felt unkempt.  I tried tucking in the sweater, and that just looked lumpy, so I scratched that idea. 

Finally, after homeroom, I had had it with the shapeless grape of an outfit, and I added a black belt around my waist.  That made me feel a bit better, but I still don't know that I'd ever wear these pieces together again for anything other than "Color Day."  However, if the colors weren't so bright (One of my girls told me she got a headache looking at me.  Thanks, child.), this outfit might just work.  I think the navy liquid silk skirt would look great with a navy or camel tippi.  It would probably even look great with the bold peri or bright dahlia colors.

I will say that the skirt felt amazing all day.  The fabric is so luxurious, flowy, and feminine.  I can't wait to wear it again with a normal outfit!

Anyone else give the monochromatic look a try lately?  How'd it work out for you?  If not, would you ever try it?  I'm not sure I'd be brave enough if it weren't for Color Day!


  1. I think that colour is amazing, I loathe purple but that shade of fuchsia/ amethyst/whatever is a favourite of mine. I think you have the most amazing figure and I just think that drowns you a bit, I can see the top with a pencil skirt or the skirt with a tight t for you. If I had your shape I would show it off at every opportunity!

  2. It's spirit week at my school, too! I've just been too lazy to put much thought into my outfits, haha! I've never heard of a "color day"--that's really fun! I will be wearing a similar outfit on Friday since it's Spirit day and our school colors are purple--I'll be interested to see how the monochromatic look turns out!

  3. Tabitha, I agree! And thank you :) I wore the pencil skirt with a sweater this past weekend, and it looked much more flattering haha. The things I do for the children at school.

    AppGal, your monochromatic look was very school-spirit chic! Way to not give in to the haters and maintain your style!
