Monday, September 19, 2011

My CTO: Comfy Teaching Outfit

So, I just found this draft in my archives, and I thought I had scheduled it to publish last week on Thursday (9/15/11), but apparently not.  I'm going to be honest; I'm too lazy to fix it to make it more timely, so I'm publishing it as-is. 

Do you ever have a day where you just want to be comfy?  It's starting to get chilly here, and that initial autumnal drop in temperature makes me want to curl up in a ball.  Plus, I'm going to a Blink-182 concert (yes, sometimes I have the musical tastes of a 15 year old boy), and today at school, I just wanted to be comfortable.  This outfit tends to be my go-to early fall/spring Comfy Teaching Outfit.
Glasses: Prada
Sweater: Ralph Lauren (from the outlet about 5 years ago)
Dress: Converse for Target
Cami: N.Y. & Company
Shoes: Converse All-Star Chuck Taylors

When I first wear this outfit every year, the kiddos go crazy for a couple of reasons.  "Miss T.!  You got glasses?" is always the first thing I hear.  Nope, children, I'm blind as a bat and wear contacts, because my glasses are Cokebottle-thick.

Don't mind the rat's nest on top of my head.  Rainy days tend to make me look like I've stuck my fingers in a toaster.  I included this picture for two reasons: 1.  You get a better glimpse of the glasses, and 2.  You can totally see the contrast between my classroom (above) and my fiance's classroom (in all of my OOTD pictures, including the first one in this post). 

Okay, so anyway, the second thing I hear when I wear this outfit is, "Miss T.!  YOU WEAR CHUCKS?!"  I love telling my kids that I wore my Chucks to my high school graduation with my cap and gown.  I was class president, so I was the first person in line to march onto the stage, and my Chucks were on display for everyone to see.  This story normally gets me some street cred with the ninth and tenth graders.  And really, that's all I can hope for in my life, right?  ;)

The Chucks are not only an instant conversation piece, but MAN, are they ever comfortable.  If my feet need a day of rest, I slip these puppies on with this dress, khakis, or cafe capris and I'm instantly calmer and ready to tackle the day. 

What's your CTO?  Those of you that aren't teachers, what do you wear on days that make you want to curl up and go to sleep?


  1. Ha, my glasses are coke bottle thick too, I can only wear my contacts for a few hours at a time, so usually save them for the weekend, I would love not to wear specs but not enough to get Lasik - I also have hair fuzz in the rain and have penchant for stretchy clothes with elasticated waists.

  2. Lasik scares me a bit, too. Anything coming near my eyeball generally freaks me out.
