Monday, December 12, 2011

A Secret Rut

I have a secret to tell you guys, but you have to promise not to tell.  You won't?  Okay, good.  Here it goes:  Sometimes, when I find an outfit I really like, I wear it over and over again.  Sometimes twice in one week, even. 

This post is a tale of one such outfit. 

Sunnies: Gap
Sweater: J.Crew Fair Isle, sz. small
Collared shirt: Ralph Lauren, sz. P
Jeans: F21, sz. 28
Shoes: Miss Albright Lake & Land Heels, Anthropologie, sz. 7.5
Necklace: Target ($2.00 on clearance)

First, I wore the offending outfit for Thanksgiving dinner at my family's house.  We *barely* dress for dinner, and we always dress for comfort, because our feast often lasts for hours. 

I liked the outfit so much that I wore it to a "Friendsgiving" dinner at my wonderful - and talented - friend (IRL and in the blogosphere - if you like crafty stuff, or just like looking at pretty things, check out her blog, Kristy's Crafts!) Kristy's house. 

I felt so warm and toasty in my outfit that I decided to wear it to school the following Friday on a jeans day. 

The beauty of wearing this outfit so often in such a short span of time was that none of these events had what I like to call "overlapping people."  Not one person (edit: other than my fiance, he wanted me to tell you that.) saw me in the outfit more than once.  And I'm sure they would have noticed if they did.  HA.

Do you get stuck in secret outfit ruts?  If so, what're a few of your go-to outfits?


  1. Ooh, I can see why you wore this outfit so much--it is lovely! The red pants pair perfectly with your camel sweater. You look so fierce in your pic, too!

    I've definitely done the same thing, although right now I'm coming up blank with examples. But hey, if you don't overlap people, why not, right?

  2. @AppGal - Thanks! Glad to know I'm not the only one!

  3. Hehe, I can't blame you- that outfit is adorable! Love the pants and the sweater especially!

  4. Oh I do that all the time, I don't have any overlapping people so I can be in the same outfit for weeks!

  5. I love this outfit. I adore the red pants. Super cute.


  6. I have been offending my co-workers for two months with my Natasha polka dot top underneath my tippi sweater ala J.Crew. I caught the sweater on a promo sale over a few weekends so I bought it in 4 colors. I wear the same polka dot top underneath a different color sweater about once a week. I'm sure someone has caught on but I try not to think about it because I love it so much!

  7. I LOVE this outfit -- you rocked it at Friendsgiving! AND thanks for the shout out!!! =D
